Useful materials
Housing mortgage loan for IDPs

Since 2021, Ukraine has been operating a program of providing preferential mortgage loans to internally displaced persons (hereinafter referred to as IDPs) at the expense of grant funds provided by one of the German state banks – the Credit Institution for Reconstruction (KfW). . The mechanism for providing such loans is established by the Procedure for preferential mortgage lending to internally displaced persons at the expense of grant funds provided by the Credit Institution for Reconstruction (KfW), approved by Resolution No. 451 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 28, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

This Procedure defines the mechanism for granting preferential mortgage loans to internally displaced persons for the purchase of housing for the funds provided for in the state budget under the program "Granting preferential mortgage loans to internally displaced persons". With the beginning of the full-scale invasion in February of last year, the IDP mortgage lending program was suspended, but already in August 2022, its implementation was resumed.

Analytical material "Mortgage loan on housing for IDPs" contains information about:

  • Conditions for granting preferential mortgage loans to IDPs;
  • The procedure for obtaining a mortgage loan for IDPs;
  • Court practice.

The material can be read HERE

The material was prepared within the framework of the project "Housing for Life: Comprehensive Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons". The project was created and implemented by the NGO "Kyiv city branch of the All-Ukrainian NGO "Civic Network OPORA" thanks to a grant received from the Program "Support of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)" in Ukraine within the financial support of the Embassy of Great Britain. The program is implemented by Crown Agents in partnership with International Alert and in cooperation with Crown Agents in Ukraine. The content of the material does not necessarily reflect the views of the Embassy of Great Britain, the views of Crown Agents, International Alert and Crown Agents in Ukraine.