Useful materials
Analytical material "State support for the construction of affordable housing for IDPs: legislation and practice"

State support for the construction of affordable housing, in accordance with Art. 4 of the Law of Ukraine "On preventing the influence of the global financial crisis on the development of the construction industry and residential construction" provides that affordable housing is built and those that are being built with deferred support, residential buildings (complexes) and apartments."

State support for the construction of affordable housing consists in the payment by the state of 30 percent of the cost of construction (purchase) of affordable housing and/or the provision of a preferential mortgage housing loan.
State support in the amount of 50 percent of the cost of construction (purchase) of affordable housing and/or a preferential mortgage housing loan is provided to persons who are subject to clauses 19-24 of the first part of Article 6, clauses 10-15 of the second part of Article 7 and paragraphs of the second, fourth and the sixth part of the first article 10-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection", as well as internally displaced persons, who are subject to the Law of Ukraine "On ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons".

The right to receive state support is granted to citizens who need to improve housing conditions in accordance with the law.

More details here

The material was prepared within the framework of the project "Housing for Life: Integrated Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons". The project was created and implemented by the NGO "Kyiv city branch of the All-Ukrainian NGO "Civic Network OPORA" thanks to a grant received from the Program "Support of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)" in Ukraine within the financial support of the Embassy of Great Britain. The program is implemented by Crown Agents in partnership with International Alert and in cooperation with Crown Agents in Ukraine.

The content of the material does not necessarily reflect the views of the Embassy of Great Britain, the views of Crown Agents, International Alert and Crown Agents in Ukraine.