As part of "Housing for life: integrated solutions for internally displaced persons" digest of key news of the central executive authorities (CEOs) in the areas of housing restoration and ensuring the rights of IDPs and other populations affected by the temporary occupation and armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

The information is collected from the official websites of the Central Committee of the Russian Federation:

  • Dia displays housing certificates under the YeRecovery program.
  • The subvention has been redistributed taking into account 33 additional regional reconstruction projects.
  • The Reconstruction Agency has simplified the terms of tenders for the reconstruction of housing and social infrastructure.
  • The services of the employment service in the frontline territories are becoming more accessible.
  • UAH 4.4 billion has been allocated to housing compensation for Ukrainians whose homes were damaged by shelling.
  • The Ministry of Reconstruction approved the principles of prioritization of reconstruction projects.
  • The Borodyan Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation will soon be opened. 

You can familiarize yourself with the material HERE

The project "Housing for Life: Comprehensive Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons" was created by the Public Organization "Kyiv City Branch of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Civic Network OPORA" thanks received a grant from the Program "Support of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)" in Ukraine within  financial support of the Embassy of Great Britain. The program is implemented by Crown Agents in partnership with International Alert and in cooperation with Crown Agents in Ukraine.