The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the procedure for determining the restoration territories, as well as the procedures for the development, implementation and monitoring of restoration and development plans for regions and individual territorial communities. The relevant resolution was prepared by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure (Ministry of Reconstruction) and approved at the Government meeting on Tuesday.

The adoption of the order will allow to speed up the recovery of communities and regions that suffered as a result of armed aggression, in particular, to restore objects of transport, communal and social infrastructure, residential and public objects. And therefore to ensure access to vital services for residents of affected communities.

"Reviewing and updating the state regional policy is critical to a successful recovery. Approval of procedures for determining restoration areas, development of restoration and development plans are part of this important work. It is fundamental that policy renewal takes place from the bottom up, based on the needs of communities and regions. The state should form a general framework, determine the key mechanisms and principles of recovery, but it is the local government that is the main initiator of projects and plans. Capable communities and regions are a key condition for the success of both the recovery process and the European integration process of Ukraine," said Oleksandr Kubrakov, Deputy Prime Minister for the Recovery of Ukraine - Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine.

According to the approved procedure, a territorial community belongs to the territory of restoration, provided that at least one of the following criteria is present: military actions took place on the territory of the community; the territory of the community or its part was temporarily occupied; on the territory of the territorial community there is destruction of infrastructure facilities, housing stock as a result of hostilities and/or shelling; the territory of the community is characterized by a significant movement of the population to other regions and/or other states and a sharp deterioration in the level of socio-economic development, etc.

In order to evaluate and assign communities to the territories of recovery, the Ministry forms a commission, which also includes People's Deputies of Ukraine - members of the specialized committee of the Verkhovna Rada. The commission considers the proposals prepared by the Ministry, assesses the communities' compliance with the specified criteria and makes a decision on classifying them as restoration territories. The list of communities classified as recovery areas is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the State Strategy for Regional Development of Ukraine.

In addition, the Government approved the Procedure for the development, implementation and monitoring of the plan for the recovery and development of regions, as well as plans for the recovery and development of territorial communities. Corresponding plans will be developed for the period until December 31, 2027.

The draft regional recovery and development plan is developed by the Ministry together with other interested central and local executive bodies and takes into account the existing potential, prospective specialization of the territories. The development of the plan begins within 10 days after the Cabinet of Ministers approves the list of communities included in the restoration area.

The plan for the recovery and development of regions in particular includes: tasks and measures for recovery and development; projected need and possible sources of funding; indicators of task performance, implementation of recovery and development measures and their forecast values; a list of regional (local) development projects, the implementation of which is envisaged as part of the implementation of the plan; as well as regional recovery and development plans. The regional recovery and development plan is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In their turn, local self-government bodies within two months after the Ministry publishes information on the development of a plan for the recovery and development of regions submit for approval a draft plan for the recovery and development of the territorial community. This draft plan includes: recovery and development tasks and measures; projected need and possible sources of funding; indicators of task performance, implementation of recovery and development measures and their forecast values; list of regional (local) development projects.

Monitoring of the implementation of the regional recovery and development plan is carried out every year by the Ministry on the basis of official statistics, information of ministries, other central executive authorities. Monitoring of the implementation of the regional recovery and development plan can be carried out, in particular, on the basis of the DREAM reconstruction management ecosystem and the Geoinformation System for monitoring and evaluating the development of regions and territorial communities (GIS).


Source of information — Ministry of Reconstruction .