On July 11, the Government adopted a resolution "Some issues of support for internally displaced persons", which introduces changes to the procedure for assigning housing benefits for IDPs . The main changes in the procedure for assigning payments are aimed at focusing support on  the most vulnerable citizens and families in need.

Among the number of changes  that have already entered into force is the introduction of two payment periods (15th and 28th of each month), instead of three, as it was before (3rd, 13th and 23rd of each month). This means that the Ministry of Social Policy transfers budget funds for the payment of housing allowance for IDPs after  15 and 28 of every month.

Accordingly, in August 2023, the accrual and payment of housing allowance for IDPs to the vast majority of internally displaced persons will take place after August 15. On August 28, aid will be calculated and paid to those to whom it was assigned or added after 08/15/23.

Please note that the amount of payments remains the same as before: 

2 thousand UAH - for one adult who became an internally displaced person

UAH 3,000 - for one child or person with a disability - IDP.

Source of information  — Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.