The program to restore housing damaged as a result of hostilities is implemented by the Energy Efficiency Fund with funding from the European Union. From the beginning of 2023, co-owners of multi-apartment buildings in the city of Mykolaiv who suffered due to the war can also receive assistance.

The program compensates 100 percent of the cost of works and materials needed to restore housing.

Already 15 condominiums of the city have applied for participation. This was announced by the Department of Energy, Energy Saving and Implementation of Innovative Technologies of the Mykolaiv City Council. At the same time, four associations of co-owners of an apartment building received payments of the first tranche in the amount of 70 percent and started construction work, the rest will be financed after the completion of the work.

With the funds received from the fund, the association of co-owners can repair the damaged roof, window and balcony units, facade, equipment of roof boiler rooms and engineering networks. Consultative support can be obtained from the city's Energy Efficiency Center. The Department invites Mykolaiv condominiums to use the effective mechanism for restoring damaged housing.

Source of information  — Voice of Ukraine

The author is Olena IVASHKO.

Photos from open sources.