The government has adopted the Procedure, which provides for the provision of state aid for current housing repairs to citizens whose housing was damaged as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. It will be possible to do this with the help of the e-Recovery electronic service.

"Thanks to this order, every citizen whose apartment, private house or dormitory room was damaged as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation and which have not yet been restored will be able to receive funds for the repair of their home. This applies to more than 160 thousand households.

restoration: the procedure for providing state aid for the repair of damaged housing was adopted

The next step is to test the service Recovery together with the Ministry of Digital. We plan to do this in the next three weeks.

The sources for compensation will be both state budget funds and funds from international donors and creditors. We expect that in the near future we will be able to make Russian reparations the main source of compensation," commented Oleksandr Kubrakov, Deputy Prime Minister for the Reconstruction of Ukraine — Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure.

  • Who can use the service?

All citizens of Ukraine, whose housing was damaged as a result of hostilities, was not repaired earlier and is subject to restoration. This, in particular, applies to apartments, private houses and other residential premises, for example, rooms in a dormitory.

Priority will be given to:

  • participants in hostilities,
  • people with disabilities due to war,
  • to war veterans,
  • to family members of fallen soldiers,
  • mobilized,
  • to large families,
  • people with disabilities of the I and II groups,
  • to parents-educators of a family-type orphanage;
  • guardian/guardians,
  • foster parents and foster carers,
  • children - orphans and children deprived of parental care.

How to get compensation?

First of all, you should file a property damage report. This can be done on the portal or in the Diya application, as well as through the TsNAP or a notary.

Next, you need to open a specialized account is Recovery in one of the banks participating in the program. You can open a card both in the banking application and in a physical branch of the bank.

After that, you should submit an application for compensation in Diya.

After submitting an application, the special Commission for consideration of compensation issues, established at the local self-government body, will consider the application, conduct an inspection of the damaged property, enter data about it in the Register of Damaged and Destroyed Property and determine the cost of its restoration.

The period for considering the application and making a decision on compensation should not exceed 30 calendar days from the date of its submission.

After that, the citizen who submitted an application for compensation will receive confirmation and funds for a specialized eRenovation card.

How can compensation be used?

is Recovery: Use of funds

The funds can be used for the purchase of building materials, windows, doors, roofs, as well as for the payment of construction works.

It will be possible to spend funds only on construction materials or services of contractors that have the appropriate MCC codes or trade codes.

It will be possible to use the compensation within 1 year from the moment of its accrual.

The relevant compensation procedure was developed by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with the support of the USAID / UK aid project TAPAS Project/Transparency and accountability in public administration and services.

Source of information:  site of the Ministry of Reconstruction.