Renovation of houses continues in Irpen in accordance with the "VidnovyDIM" Program, which is implemented by the Energy Efficiency Fund together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC)

This is reported by the information portal "My Kyiv region" with a call to post Irpin City Council.

Among the buildings included in this Program is the condominium building "TURGENIVSKA, 66-B".

It was hit by a projectile, the apartments on the 4th floor and the attic floor burned down, the roof was destroyed, the upper floors and facade were damaged. 

To date, 70% of the roof and 90% of the facade have been restored. The next step will be the restoration of engineering systems.

In total, the Energy Efficiency Fund received 63 applications from Irpen to participate in the "VidnovyDIM" Program.

According to the Program, 5 buildings in the city have already been completely restored:

  • Zatyshny 2020 residential complex (Novo-Oskolska St., 2-H);
  • Zatyshny 2020 residential complex (Novo-Oskolska St., 2-O);
  • HOTEL "FAVORIT ON MINERALNA" (Mineralna St., 7k). 

Another 21 houses under the "VidnovyDIM" Program are currently in the active process of restoration.

Source of information MY KYIV