Useful materials
Revolving fund - applications

Presentation of the revolving fund HERE  

The material contains the following sections:

Formation of the list of investment objects and borrowers;

Financial models of "Green 3ReFund" and KP ESCO;

Justification of the list of efficiency improvement measures and assessment of the investment potential for each object;

Development of the implementation schedule of thermal modernization projects, construction of the investment schedule;

Assessment of project efficiency, calculation of expected cash flows;

Formation of a road map for stakeholders;

Financial models of work.


▪️ Decision of the Council on the creation of the communal institution "Green 3ReFund Revolving Fund" and the communal enterprise "Communal Energy Service Company";

▪️ The procedure for using the funds of the "Green 3ReFund" revolving fund;

▪️ Decision of the council on approving the limit conditions for granting loans;

▪️ Loan agreement;

▪️ Application for a loan.