The monolithic residential building was shaken by an aerial bomb, but the structures survived. The neighboring "panel" was completely destroyed.

A 500-kilogram aerial bomb flew into a 17-story building at Chornovola Street, 15A near the center of Chernihiv on March 3, 2022.

Six such bombs were dropped in a residential neighborhood by an SU-34 fighter (pilot Krasnoyartsev, navigator Kryvolapov; on March 5, they were shot down over the city from the Igla MANPADS ).

The building has two entrances, 168 apartments, none of the residents died there during the bombing on March 3, 2022. The nine-story panel building of the ChN series nearby, at 15 Chornovola, was completely destroyed. 47 people died in it and nearby. The panel will be demolished. The monolith has already been rebuilt.

Either disassemble or cut the damaged

The Chernihiv construction company "UTB-Engineering" won the tender for the overhaul of the building. In 2022, UAH 15,840,000 was allocated from the city budget for restoration. The customer of the works is the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Chernihiv City Council.

— Chornovola, 15А — monolithic reinforced concrete frame building. It is more resistant to loads than panel and brick ones, - explains 41-year-old Pavlo KHAITOV, director of the UTB-Engineering company. — There were two options for restoration: either to completely dismantle the six upper floors, from the roof to the 11th floor, or to cut everything damaged and restore it in parts.

Before the start of work, specialists from the Kyiv "State Research Institute of Building Structures" and PrJSC "Hiprocivilprombud" (engaged in architectural design) were invited. Chernihiv project institute "Interarch project" was also involved.

Surveyors checked whether the foundation, supporting structures and metal piles on which the house stands were not damaged. They concluded that the house can be restored without dismantling the upper floors.

After the bomb hit, a slab hung over the 12th floor, the 13th, 15th, and 16th floors "collapsed". The back side of the house and the second entrance were almost undamaged, even the glass did not fly out of all the windows. The owners of the surviving apartments were not evicted. The contrast was impressive: on one side of the building there are black sinkholes in the place of apartments and holes in the outer walls, on the other side there is light in the windows, people live. This was especially noticeable in winter, when it got dark early. Chernihiv residents and guests of the city watched this picture for a year.

"The house is like a tooth with deep caries"

Now, from the outside, the house at Chornovola, 15A looks new. Builders patched external and internal walls, installed interior partitions, new metal-plastic windows and entrance doors to the apartments. The facade was painted beige. The elevator was restored and launched back in April.

- This house can be compared to a carious tooth, says Pavlo Khaitov. - It is there, but it is damaged and hurts. The doctor cleans everything affected, and on what remains, seals and restores. We did the same with this house. The problem is high altitude. No construction company with this type of work has yet worked in Chernihiv.

The most difficult thing was to dismantle emergency structures at height. Employees of the State Emergency Service helped with this. They dismantled carefully, in parts, installing metal supports so that the structure would hold on them and nothing would collapse. Damaged metal was cut with Bulgarians, and concrete was knocked out by hand. They were loaded onto pallets and lowered down.

UTB-Engineering has its own fleet of equipment, which was lacking - they rented, for example, a tower crane. 90% of the materials were bought from local manufacturers.

On average, 20 people worked at the house. The facility is scheduled to be handed over on September 1.


Source of information — TEKHTY.ORG.UA