In Irpen in Kyiv Oblast , the restoration of 32 private houses at the intersection of Bagirova Street and Gostomelskyi Shosse, which were damaged during the Russian invasion. In houses, windows, doors, roofs are replaced, facades are insulated. The overhaul is planned to be completed by the end of July.

This was reported by the mayor of Irpen, Oleksandr Markushin.

The official said that the other day he inspected how the most destroyed private sector of Irpen is being rebuilt in the area of the residential complex "Irpinski Lypky".

"Thanks to the benefactors, the owners of the apartment will receive: two-chamber plastic windows; a roof with a 50-year warranty; wall insulation with 100-millimeter fire-resistant foam," Markushyn notes.

Also, according to the mayor of Irpen, the builders plan to install new fences instead of the ones destroyed by shell fragments. And they will also restore order around renovated and newly erected buildings. The infrastructure will also be updated: new asphalt, sidewalks and bike paths will appear. Street lighting will also be updated. And a new bridge will be built across the Bucha River in the direction of Gostomel.

"The repair of the damaged buildings is planned to be completed by the end of July. Unfortunately, those residents of Irpin whose houses were almost completely destroyed by the invaders will have to wait a little longer for them to move in. We have 44 such houses. The completion of construction there is expected in 3-4 months," he announced Markushin.

The official also noted that the repair and reconstruction of buildings is taking place with the assistance of the Kyiv OVA, which allocated more than UAH 70 million. Another 10 million was provided by the Irpin City Council. Philanthropists also help. The Foundation "Global Empowerment Mission" and the United Nations, which provide building materials and windows and doors.

What is known about the destruction and restoration of Irpen due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation

In May 2023, started comprehensive restoration of war-damaged private houses in Irpen near the residential complex "Irpinski Lipky". In particular, these are houses at the intersection of Bagirova Street and Gostomelskyi Shosse.

For the funds collected on the UNITED24 platform,will rebuild 18 residential buildings in 5 settlements - Irpen, Borodyantsi, Gostomeli, Buzova and Mila villages.

In March, the EU mission visited Irpin to check the reconstruction of residential facilities under the program "Restore the HOME", funds for which were allocated by the European Union.

During 2022 in Irpen completely restored 308 high-rise and 120 private buildings that were damaged as a result of Russian military aggression.

During the hostilities in the spring of 2022, Irpin was destroyed by 75 percent. More than 10,000 people were left homeless. 37 multi-apartment buildings were declared unfit for habitation in the city houses.

Source of informationSocial News