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Condominium name
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Kharkiv region
St. Dmitrivska, 5
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49.990517785545, 36.215883277508

The purpose of the project
Development and testing in the city of Kharkiv of a mechanism for using solar energy to supply electricity to multi-apartment buildings using distributed generation to increase the reliability of electricity supply and reduce CO2 emissions
Relevance of the project (why the project is important for condominiums right now)
In the conditions of martial law, there was a need for alternative sources of electricity due to the damage to the main and distribution networks, which could provide at least the basic needs of the house, namely: lighting of common areas, including bomb shelters, charging of mobile phones and powering communication equipment, powering pumps of heating and water supply systems. For this purpose, the specialists of the Association of Energy Auditors of Ukraine developed and handed over to the Kharkiv condominium a portable version of a charging station based on a solar battery for use by the population of an apartment building in a shelter - charging gadgets, ensuring a minimum level of lighting.
Considering the need for reliable power supply not only in the shelter, we offer the use of alternative sources of energy (solar energy) to reliably meet the critical needs of the population of the multi-apartment building (power supply of pumping groups for water supply, heat supply, lighting of common areas - shelter premises, for informative and household the need for martial law). In regular mode, this equipment will reduce the consumption of electricity from traditional sources (from the network). In the future, such measures will make it possible to reduce the current payments of residents for the electricity supply of important life support systems of the house, the possibility of generating electricity between co-owners of an apartment building in the summer, and overall reduction of CO2 emissions.
Before a full-scale invasion
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After a full scale invasion
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At the moment, there is no information about the work performed and costs