Useful materials
Financial indicators of projects to improve the efficiency of energy consumption and the use of RES for the residential sector
How much do "cheap" electricity and gas cost the population and how to reduce these costs
Analysis of technical solutions for the use of clean energy sources in multi-apartment buildings
Legal challenges of using electricity from solar power plants in multi-apartment condominium buildings
Analysis of the most effective technical solutions for the main types of apartment buildings
Draft decisions of local self-government bodies to stimulate the implementation of energy-efficient measures in condominium buildings
Creation of a green recovery revolving fund "Green 3ReFund"
Green 3ReFUND: Recovery. Renewables. Reinvest

The military aggression of the Russian Federation has caused significant damage to Ukraine's economy and energy system in particular. Ukraine is completely dependent on international assistance and is unable to meet all its needs without external sources. However, at the same time, the state budget envisages huge expenditures on subsidising cheap electricity for households (the NEURC estimates the "hole" from PSO for households at UAH 36.8 billion per quarter). Instead, there is a huge potential for saving budget funds in energy efficiency measures and the use of distributed generation. As previous OPORA studies show, with relatively small investments and redirection of part of the budget funds to support energy efficiency and green measures in apartment buildings (primarily solar installations with batteries), significant savings in energy resources from fossil energy sources can be achieved and the energy supply system in the building can be made more stable in case of disconnections from the centralised energy supply.

Based on its previous experience in this area, OPORA has developed recommendations for the national government and international donors on support mechanisms, based on calculations made on the basis of already implemented energy efficiency and green projects in apartment buildings.

Project objective: Formation of public opinion among stakeholders on the relevance of stimulating and supporting energy efficiency measures and RES in the residential sector in wartime.

Target groups:

  • Political decision makers: representatives of the Ministry of Energy, NEURC, Energy Efficiency Fund, Ministry of Finance - justification for policy changes, adoption of a separate financial incentive programme for households to use RES;
  • Experts in energy efficiency and renewable energy - high-quality analytics to further promote the green recovery of Ukraine;
  • Journalists of specialised media - quality articles and materials.

As part of the project, an analytical report "Recommendations for Promoting Energy Efficiency and RES in the Residential Sector in Wartime for the Ukrainian Authorities and International Partners" was prepared, which contains

  • An overview of the energy sector in the context of improving the energy efficiency of residential buildings.
  • Overview of incentive programmes for energy efficiency and renewable energy in the residential sector.
  • Legal aspects of RES implementation in apartment buildings.
  • Recommendations to participants on how to accelerate the pace and improve the efficiency of energy use in the residential sector.
  • The impact of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects on Ukraine's energy markets.
  • Materials with detailed instructions on how to implement energy efficiency measures.

You can read the material HERE

Long-term results of the project:

  • Developments on possible options for resolving the issue of RES compensation in favour of citizens (both men and women) and their associations, which can be used in the formation of state and local policies;
  • Developing recommendations for effective government mechanisms to stimulate energy efficiency measures in the housing stock;
  • There was widespread publicity among experts about the feasibility of mechanisms to support energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy sources in wartime;
  • Improving the understanding of Ukrainian state officials and international politicians of the issue of effective energy governance, namely, mechanisms to support energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy sources in wartime, taking into account the needs and interests of both men and women;
  • Potential changes in state policy that will be advocated in future OPORA interventions;
  • Improved understanding and increased involvement of citizens in solving state energy issues.

The project was implemented with the support of the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Kyiv Office - Ukraine.

The opinions, conclusions and recommendations are those of the authors of this project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Heinrich Boell Foundation, the Kyiv-Ukraine Bureau and the German Government.