Methodical recommendations for planning and organizing the restoration of municipal infrastructure
Methodical recommendations for planning and organizing the restoration of municipal infrastructure
The methodological recommendations were developed with the aim of providing informational and methodological assistance to local self-government bodies on issues of planning and organizing the restoration and development of municipal infrastructure in the conditions of armed aggression of the Russian Federation.
Methodical recommendations for planning and organizing the restoration of municipal infrastructure
Creation of a green recovery revolving fund "Green 3ReFund"
Creation of a revolving fund of green restoration "Green 3ReFund" - a tool for local communities to stimulate energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in residential and communal buildings and municipal infrastructure.
Creation of a green recovery revolving fund "Green 3ReFund"
Draft decisions of local self-government bodies to stimulate the implementation of energy-efficient measures in residential multi-apartment buildings in which condominiums have been created
Under the current conditions, when neither the state nor individual co-owners are able to independently bear the burden of responsibility for the implementation of energy efficiency in the housing sector, the only effective solution can be the cooperation of condominiums and local authorities in co-financing such projects.
Draft decisions of local self-government bodies to stimulate the implementation of energy-efficient measures in residential multi-apartment buildings in which condominiums have been created
Template of a local program for the rehabilitation of destroyed housing
In total, more than 40 million square meters of housing in Ukraine have already been destroyed due to the war started by Russia. 2.5 million Ukrainians live in damaged homes. To help co-owners of war-damaged apartment buildings, this template for a local apartment building rehabilitation program has been developed.
Template of a local program for the rehabilitation of destroyed housing
Analysis of the most effective technical solutions for the main types of apartment buildings
The purpose of this work is to identify the most priority measures for the 1st stage of work on increasing the efficiency of energy consumption, based on the analysis of the actually implemented projects and the conducted energy audits.
Analysis of the most effective technical solutions for the main types of apartment buildings