П’ятий моніторинговий звіт «Стан та розвиток законодавства у сфері відбудови житла»
П’ятий моніторинговий звіт «Стан та розвиток законодавства у сфері відбудови житла»
Перелік основних нормативно-правових актів у сфері відбудови житла, а також перелік основних змін до таких актів, внесених або ініційованих протягом листопада 2023 року.
П’ятий моніторинговий звіт «Стан та розвиток законодавства у сфері відбудови житла»
Державна підтримка будівництва доступного житла для ВПО: законодавство та практика
State support for the construction of affordable housing for IDPs: legislation and practice
Analysis of legislation and practical cases regarding state support for the construction of affordable housing for IDPs
State support for the construction of affordable housing for IDPs: legislation and practice
Четвертий моніторинговий звіт «Стан та розвиток законодавства у сфері відбудови житла»
The fourth monitoring report "State and development of legislation in the field of housing reconstruction"
A list of the main regulatory legal acts in the field of housing reconstruction, as well as a list of the main changes to such acts introduced or initiated during October 2023
The fourth monitoring report "State and development of legislation in the field of housing reconstruction"
Іпотечний кредит на житло для ВПО
Housing mortgage loan for IDPs
The procedure for preferential mortgage lending to internally displaced persons at the expense of grant funds.
Housing mortgage loan for IDPs
Apartment accounting. Obtaining housing from state and public funds. Review of legislation and court practice
Apartment accounting. Obtaining housing from state and public funds. Review of legislation and court practice
Review of legislation and court practice on issues of apartment accounting and obtaining housing from state and public funds.
Apartment accounting. Obtaining housing from state and public funds. Review of legislation and court practice
The procedure for granting temporary use of residential premises from housing funds for temporary residence of IDPs
The procedure for granting temporary use of residential premises from housing funds for temporary residence of IDPs
Analysis of normative legal acts regarding the procedure for granting temporary use of residential premises from housing funds for temporary residence of IDPs
The procedure for granting temporary use of residential premises from housing funds for temporary residence of IDPs
The third monitoring report "State and development of legislation in the field of housing reconstruction"
The third monitoring report "State and development of legislation in the field of housing reconstruction"
The report contains a list of the main regulatory and legal acts in the field of housing reconstruction, as well as a list of the main changes to such acts introduced or initiated during September 2023
The third monitoring report "State and development of legislation in the field of housing reconstruction"
The second monitoring report "State and development of legislation in the field of housing reconstruction"
The second monitoring report "State and development of legislation in the field of housing reconstruction"
The report contains a list of the main normative legal acts in the field of housing reconstruction, and as well as a list of major changes to such acts introduced during August 2023
The second monitoring report "State and development of legislation in the field of housing reconstruction"