Миколаїв: Ремонтують багатоповерхівки
Mykolaiv: High-rise buildings are being repaired
In the regional center, multi-apartment buildings are being repaired under the "VidnovyDim" program.
Mykolaiv: High-rise buildings are being repaired
Уряд затвердив порядки з питань відновлення та розвитку регіонів і громад
The government approved the procedures for the restoration and development of regions and communities
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the procedure for determining recovery areas, as well as procedures for the development, implementation and monitoring of recovery and development plans for regions and individual territorial communities.
The government approved the procedures for the restoration and development of regions and communities
Програма "ВідновиДІМ": в Ірпені продовжується відновлення будинків
"VidnovyDIM" program: restoration of houses continues in Irpen
In Irpen, the restoration of buildings continues in accordance with the "VidnovyDIM" Program, which is implemented by the Energy Efficiency Fund together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
"VidnovyDIM" program: restoration of houses continues in Irpen
Компенсація за знищене житло: стартувало бета-тестування подання заяви
Compensation for destroyed housing: beta testing of the application has started
Beta testing of submitting an application for compensation for destroyed housing has started in Diya.
Compensation for destroyed housing: beta testing of the application has started
У Чернігові відбудували пошкоджену авіабомбою монолітну 17-поверхівку. Сусідню "панельку" знесуть
In Chernihiv, a monolithic 17-story building damaged by an aerial bomb was rebuilt. The neighboring "panel" will be demolished
In Chernihiv, a monolithic 17-story building damaged by an aerial bomb was rebuilt. The neighboring "panel" will be demolished.
In Chernihiv, a monolithic 17-story building damaged by an aerial bomb was rebuilt. The neighboring "panel" will be demolished
Відбудова Ірпеня: ремонт приватних будинків в районі ЖК "Ірпінські Липки" завершиться до кінця липня
Reconstruction of Irpen: the repair of private houses in the area of ​​the "Irpinski Lypky" residential complex will be completed by the end of July
In Irpen, Kyiv region, the restoration of 32 private houses at the intersection of Bagyrov street and Gostomelskyi highway, which were damaged during the Russian invasion, is being completed.
Reconstruction of Irpen: the repair of private houses in the area of ​​the "Irpinski Lypky" residential complex will be completed by the end of July
Відбудова зруйнованого – сьогодення Бучі й Ірпеня
Reconstruction of the destroyed - present Buchi and Irpen
The experience of restoring Irpen and Buchi.
Reconstruction of the destroyed - present Buchi and Irpen
Мінвідновлення: громади отримають 5,3 мільярда гривень на відновлення
Ministry of Reconstruction: communities will receive 5.3 billion hryvnias for reconstruction
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decision on the distribution of almost 5.3 billion hryvnias of subventions among the communities of 10 regions
Ministry of Reconstruction: communities will receive 5.3 billion hryvnias for reconstruction
єВідновлення: ухвалено порядок надання державної допомоги на ремонт пошкодженого житла
Restoration: the procedure for providing state aid for the repair of damaged housing has been approved
The government approved the procedure for providing state aid for repairing damaged housing
Restoration: the procedure for providing state aid for the repair of damaged housing has been approved
Програма «ВідновиДІМ»: як взяти участь
"VidnovyDIM" program: how to participate
Clarification of the specialists of the "Energy Efficiency Fund" State University on how to become a participant of the "VidnovyDIM" Program
"VidnovyDIM" program: how to participate