Урядові рішення щодо щ врегулювання житлових питань ВПО
Government decisions on settlement of housing issues of IDPs
The government made several important decisions regarding the settlement of housing issues of internally displaced persons.
Government decisions on settlement of housing issues of IDPs
У громадах запрацювали комісії, які розглядатимуть питання компенсацій за зруйноване житло
Commissions have started working in communities that will consider the issue of compensation for destroyed housing
Already in the next month, the citizens who submitted applications will be contacted by representatives of local authorities to check the necessary documents and make a final decision.
Commissions have started working in communities that will consider the issue of compensation for destroyed housing
У 9 регіонах розпочали діяльність регіональні координатори проєкту «Житло для життя: комплексні рішення для ВПО»
In 9 regions, regional coordinators of the project "Housing for life: comprehensive solutions for IDPs" have started their activities
Regional consultants have started work in 9 regions of Ukraine, providing free informational and advisory support to IDPs and other vulnerable categories of the population in solving their housing issues
In 9 regions, regional coordinators of the project "Housing for life: comprehensive solutions for IDPs" have started their activities
З Фонду ліквідації виділять 4,77 мільярда гривень на 133 регіональних проєкти відновлення та закупівлю спецтехніки
4.77 billion hryvnias will be allocated from the Liquidation Fund for 133 regional restoration projects and the purchase of special equipment
4.77 billion hryvnias will be allocated for regional restoration projects and the purchase of special equipment
4.77 billion hryvnias will be allocated from the Liquidation Fund for 133 regional restoration projects and the purchase of special equipment
Уряд затвердив положення про Ради з питань ВПО при місцевих органах влади
The government approved the regulations on IDP Councils under local authorities
The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Resolution "On the Approval of the Standard Regulation on the Council for Internally Displaced Persons"
The government approved the regulations on IDP Councils under local authorities
Оголошення про тендер на надання послуг з підготовки дослідження "Кращі практики та рекомендації щодо організації безпечних укриттів"
Announcement of a tender for the provision of services for the preparation of the study "Best practices and recommendations for the organization of safe shelters"
The public organization "Kyiv city branch of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Civic Network OPORA" announces a call for proposals for the selection of supplier/s for the provision of services for the preparation of the study "Best practices and recommendations for the organization of safe shelters" as part of the project "Housing for life: comprehensive solutions for domestic displaced persons (IDPs)".
Announcement of a tender for the provision of services for the preparation of the study "Best practices and recommendations for the organization of safe shelters"
Стартував проєкт «Житло для життя: комплексні рішення для внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО)»
The project "Housing for Life: Integrated Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)" was launched
The non-governmental organization "Civil Network OPORA" created and started the implementation of the project "Housing for Life: Comprehensive Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons".
The project "Housing for Life: Integrated Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)" was launched
Змінено періоди виплат ВПО
IDP payment periods have been changed
From August, aid payments to internally displaced persons will be made after the 15th and 28th of each month
IDP payment periods have been changed
Compensation for destroyed housing: submission of applications through Diya starts
From August 1, the second stage of the implementation of the state program to provide housing for Ukrainians whose homes were damaged or destroyed as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation will start.
Compensation for destroyed housing: submission of applications through Diya starts
У Бучі закінчують реконструкцію таунхаусів, які постраждали від вибухової хвилі
In Buchi, the reconstruction of townhouses damaged by the blast wave is being completed
Buchi in the Kyiv region is finishing the reconstruction of townhouses. Houses were damaged by the blast wave during hostilities in the region.
In Buchi, the reconstruction of townhouses damaged by the blast wave is being completed
Загалом на відновлення регіонів Уряд вже виділив понад 25 млрд гривень
In total, the Government has already allocated over 25 billion hryvnias for the restoration of the regions
The government allocates funds for the reconstruction of destroyed residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, and hospitals.
In total, the Government has already allocated over 25 billion hryvnias for the restoration of the regions
На відновлення будинку на Северинівській в Ірпені виділять 38 мільйонів
38 million will be allocated for the restoration of the building on Severynivska Street in Irpen
The building at 131 Severynivska Street in Irpen will be renovated at the expense of the Service for Reconstruction and Development of the Infrastructure of the Kyiv Region.
38 million will be allocated for the restoration of the building on Severynivska Street in Irpen